Fall Ball Regisration

Diamond Pro is excited to announce the opportunity for our boys of summer to continue developing their skills as a part of our fall instructional teams. The Diamond Pro Fall Teams will be a 6 week program that begins in September and ends in October. The DP Fall Teams will be a modified version of a college fall season. During the fall season at colleges across the country you will find the players working during the week in between their studies to fine tune their individual skills for the upcoming spring season. Players also compete during the weekends in contests against other schools or "inter-squad" scrimmages in order to not lose their competitive edge they gained during the spring/summer. Our goal is to provide a challenging fall program, developing each player individually as well as in a competitive atmosphere. 

Players will receive the following: 2 practices per week, attending 2-3 tournaments, intersquad scrimmage/non league games, specific "individual" work, certified DP coaches, hat, tournament fees, insurance, umpire fees, and field fees included in price. 

Start Date: September 9th (approx)

End Date: October 20th (approx) 

Practice Times: 5:30 - 7:15  (will adjust when needed for daylight) 

10u - 15u: Tournament/Game Schedule will be sent out when finalized

Showcase: Schedule vs Western NY Junior College Teams, 1-2 Tournaments, Games vs other regional compeition

10u, 11u, 12u Practice Nights: Monday & Wednesdays 

13u, 14u, & 15u Practice Nights: Tuesdays & Thursdays 

Showcase Practice Nights: Monday & Wednesday 

Price: $800 ($300 deposit option availble on link)

Location(s): Penfield Town Hall, Monroe Community College (Turf), McQuaid Jesuit HS, Diamond Pro Facility

Register for Diamond Pro Baseball Fall Ball Click Here